Saturday, December 22, 2007

Gun Control

Laws that permit or restrict people the right to purchase guns are a complete waste of time and resources.

If a person is set to build an armory by buying guns it would still be possible to have many many guns in a short period of time say in two years a person buying one gun a month could own 24 guns. It only takes one gun to cause a catastrophy, most people can only shoot one gun at any one time.

If you want to enact good legislation to control the misuse of guns a good law would be that anyone pointing a gun at an unarmed person has created a criminal act. With this in mind the act of defense is to stop the person who is pointing the gun at an unarmed individual. A more egregious violation would be to actually shoot an unarmed person.

What we are doing is foolishness when we try to restrict the sale or purchase of guns, what we need to focus on is the use of the gun and what is legal and illegal.

Does anyone have the right to shoot an unarmed person?

Who needs to be defended from abuse and attack?

This is just the opening of the thought of legislation, and a forerunner to citizens and police working together to stop crime in our neighborhoods.

Certainly we are not talking about the police apprehending a criminal that just committed a crime, where a bully has violated a victim and the police need to act lawfully.

Our communities need to be cleaned up of the corruption that exists in high places and we need good people to come forward to do the right thing to help work out the bugs that exist as bullies have muddied the waters making our lives miserable and murky.

We need a change...

Exhonoration, Restoration, Reparations

An individual suffers and harm is inflicted into their life and great loss is associated with the injustice and false accusations of others. The victim certainly should be compensated and the records should clearly indicate the absurdity and false conviction of a person that was violated.

These marks put into the permenant record are set before the eyes of many generations to come and how barbaric will our current system appear to those who will look back and with wonder at how we could be so cruel to each other when clearly the facts reveal the truth and obviously no one cared to fact check and proof read all of the collected material.

We need good legislation to change the current condition of apathy as the disgust created by our present conditions will affect many future generations the effects of this disgust could cuase physical harm.

Our records should be set straight for many good reasons.