Sunday, April 16, 2006

Minimum Wages

From the PA Clean Sweep Yahoo group found at; PA Clean Sweep

What is really hurting Pennsylvanian's income?

First you have all of the taxes, and don't even get me started on tithing...

Second you have insurances...

Third you have transportation costs...

Fourth you have housing,

Fifth you have food and clothing...

How much does one need to cover all of these expenses and how many jobs should one person work to attain the level of security to proceed with living.

Bottom line we as a people are going to live, no matter what, we will endure and strive to survive.

The calculations are simple my friends, just consider what is charged and know that something or someone has to give...

Friday, April 14, 2006

Links to the U.S. Constitution and the Pa Constitution

This is a link to the Pa Constitution

This is a link to the U.S. Constitution

As these documents are the basis for our discussions, as per a comment by Vote Fix in one of the first posts I made, I went to the drawing board and put the links in that post and made this one for the purpose of placing these links foremost on the Blog, today 4-16-2006 I decided it would just be better to have these links in the side bar so I could bring to thought, the problems; and hopefully give solutions to answers about the right direction in which we should move our thinking on these issues.

First you might notice that I update my posts as required, and secondly I put forth questions before I give answers.

The reason I question something is to get us on the same page, if we are not looking at the problem from the same point of view, then we are not going to see the answers in the same context. For that reason I do seek feedback.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Healthcare and Social Security...

There is a way to fix the problems in our society, we need to address the issues that are affecting us as a community.

Who is currently making the most money with the systems that we use today?

1.) Doctors
2.) Lawyers
3.) Pharmaceutical Company's

Do you have a suggestion for a government agency?

Like trying to get a hold of a live person at the phone company, getting a hold of a person to make a suggestion for the safety of our communities can be cumbersome to say the least.

Has anyone ever considered using the internet and computers to sort through complaints so that our legislators can address the issues that are most disturbing to us the citizens?

What are some simple solutions to major problems?

If you could make a law, what law would you like to make?

This Blog is created for the people interested in serious discussion about making good laws to protect our society.

After all what good is a law if the law is not enforced.

The constitution of our country and our state is the laws that we agree to live by.

What law or laws do you feel are necessary or unnecessary?

This is a link to the Pa Constitution

This is a link to the U.S. Constitution